The lebanese graphic design syndicate.

12 February, 2012 § 24

Update: As Samah has mentioned in the comments below, it seems there's another more credible syndicate for graphic designers in Lebanon. I've also received an email from them, it's in french but I'll post a part of it for your information:

Le SPGIL , fondé en 1996, réunit les professionnels des métiers suivants : Graphic Design- Illustration- Bandes Dessinées- Caricature- Animation. 
Le SPGIL a sorti ces métiers de l'ombre, les a officialisés et les a protégés de la concurrence déloyale. Les membres du SPGIL bénéficient des avantages suivants : 
- Une assistance juridique gratuite 
- Un Suivi sur les lois du copyright© 
- Un Dépôt Légal et l'Enregistrement des logos, des personnages et des mascottes 
- Des Barèmes de tarifs pour les travaux des 5 professions 
- Des Contrats types pour les 5 professions.

Grace aux efforts déployés durant 3 ans , le SPGIL est l'un des 8 syndicats fondateurs de la CAISSE MUTUELLE UNIFIEE DES ARTISTES LIBANAIS, instaurée sous le décret 7535 du 12 Février 2012.

Ainsi, tous les membres du SPGIL bénéficient des avantages supplémentaires de cette caisse mutuelle, à savoir essentiellement, l'Hospitalisation et la Retraite.

Pour votre adhésion ou pour toute autre information n'hésitez pas à nous contacter : 
tel/fax: 01/616771 
mobile : 03/827511

I've been wanting to blog about this for a while now but thought I'd do some research prior to the post. Surprisingly enough, there was little found. I even sent an email inquiring about more information but haven't received any reply yet. So without further ado, please meet The Lebanese Graphic Design Syndicate!

Good news is we now have one. Bad news is I wouldn't be so proud to join!
According to Icograda (yes, we're listed in Icograda):
The Lebanese Graphic Design Syndicate is founded in 1976, reformed and restructured in 2010 to become the only official syndicate and professional forum for graphic designers in Lebanon, certified from the Lebanese ministry of interior and remunerated from the Lebanese government.
The syndicate is assessing the quality of graphic designers while at the same time establishing a better environment for them, by tapping into the professional interests of communication designers, Creating a developed market, Enhancing the design skills and backgrounds, Design policies concerning governmental and public matters, Developing the creative climate.

Well, to tell you the truth, I've been waiting for so long to be assessed by a force as creative as the LGDS! Now I can seriously hope for a better environment for us designers.
I mean, look at that logo! I'm in love with it! I've never seen such a smart, harmonious, typographic composition portraying what our world is truly about: the labyrinth of communication! And that website! Such dreamy horizons, smooth gradients and perfect slideshows! If there's one thing I've learned as a designer it's that no website should claimed as such if it doesn't have a weather report and a calendar. Plus, you can tell how well a website is doing by how much advertising space it has. So there you go!

Nuff said. I guess I will be waiting for that email to consider joining the syndicate. If ever. And if any of you readers is already a member I would love for you to share that experience with us!

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